Tem vários brothers por aí.
Que tão de olho nos lances.
Ser quadrado é abrir a mente aberta.
Quadrado pela definição básica de ligar pontos.
Não ser um cíclico, constante e homogêneo redondo.
É ver isso.

- Quadrado. life style.
- quebrar (ou não) paradigmas já instaurados na sociedade e no pseudo padrão de ética e senso comum que há de ser quebrado, quiçá destruído. Não só pela aestereotipação, mas por uma nova abordagem de libertação que a filosofia quadrada propõe para aqueles que preferem levar a vida de maneira independente e desligada de padrões pré estabelecidos.
Enquadrar é preciso
Que existem pessoas que necessitam seguir o senso comum, o óbvio, o parametrizado e o classificável para se sentirem inseridos no mundo, é fato consumado. Não vim aqui falar desses, que são denominados de redondos (por serem cíclicos e homogêneos, costumam seguir "a massa".)
Eu estou aqui pra falar de um outro e novo grupo de o pessoas... essas, sem comportamento pré estabelecido, que adotam as melhores práticas de cada prática, criam seu estilo através de todos os estilos, que preferem se questionar ao invés de questionar o mundo.... Sem classificações, sem estereótipos, sem padrões impostos pela sociedade (para eles, vista como tão cíclica...)
Este grupo - inquieto e inconstante - lhe afirmo: surge da necessidade da reinvenção - de modelos mentais, de estilo, de comportamento, de atitude, de conceito - Pois para este grupo, tudo que é padronizado não faz sentido nenhum.
Lógico que muitas destas pessoas, ávidas por tudo que é tendência, não são encontradas assim, de maneira fácil. Algumas destas pessoas ainda estão repensando sua ideologia de vida, cheios de desejos e dúvidas sobre esse novo modelo de "cultura" desejada. Outros, já descobriram a necessidade de partir para uma nova linha de perspectiva, estão em fase de desprendimento do padrão imposto pela sociedade e pelo bom senso, decididos a adotarem pra si, tudo aquilo que eles julgam ser bom. Já outros, já estão em plena atividade desta situação, porém, não sabem como traduzir sua (in)constância de vida (e por várias vezes eles se denominam "ecléticos" numa tentativa de satisfazer a curiosidade tão despertada pelas pessoas, sobre si mesmos).
Todos esses - independente do grau de maturação em que se encontram - estão em plena atividade quadrada. E não existe uma parametrização nessa fase. Todos aqueles, que ligam seus pontos (por isso denominados quadrados) em busca da sua plena satisfação, está se enquadrando de acordo com sua realidade escolhida. E não cabe a mim, nem ao mundo julgar em que grau de maturação quadrada o indivíduo de encontra. O que importa de verdade, é o que cada um sente. Sua satisfação consigo mesmo para o mundo. Sua total falta de preocupação em se classificar em algum parâmetro.
Porque para nós quadrados, nós somos o nosso próprio mundo.
E isso nos basta.
[Enquadrando, inventando, reenquadrando e reinventando.]
Quadrado. Life. Style.
Negatif daftar - No 1 - Untuk kuadrat Indonesia
(Putaran):, saya namun film ini lebih dari sepuluh kali di TV (sekarat untuk melihat lagi, atau dia suka mengatakan, ia menikmati).
Perusahaan tidak menikmati kebahagiaan.
Kewajiban orang-orang kekuatan kolektif untuk menghina.
Masyarakat mentolerir kesedihan, aku tidak tahu - adalah senang bisa keluar dari fashion, bulat dan mengikuti standar ...
(Putaran), "cekikikan"
(kuadrat): Aku tahu aku menikmatinya - dan tidak berbicara karena, sialan!
(quadrat): Sudah sepuluh kali, aku tahu. Ini tidak ada perubahan - Aku akan melihat berapa kali saya inginkan.
Richie Rich menyaksikan 80 kali, di bawah ini - sekarang saya tidak bisa melihat.
Kuadrat adalah sebagai berikut: bercinta apa yang Anda pikirkan, namun apa yang Anda pikirkan adalah hasil dari kondisi sosial.
Saya ingin. Dan cukup.
Jadilah quadrat. Selalu.
Perusahaan tidak menikmati kebahagiaan.
Kewajiban orang-orang kekuatan kolektif untuk menghina.
Masyarakat mentolerir kesedihan, aku tidak tahu - adalah senang bisa keluar dari fashion, bulat dan mengikuti standar ...
(Putaran), "cekikikan"
(kuadrat): Aku tahu aku menikmatinya - dan tidak berbicara karena, sialan!
(quadrat): Sudah sepuluh kali, aku tahu. Ini tidak ada perubahan - Aku akan melihat berapa kali saya inginkan.
Richie Rich menyaksikan 80 kali, di bawah ini - sekarang saya tidak bisa melihat.
Kuadrat adalah sebagai berikut: bercinta apa yang Anda pikirkan, namun apa yang Anda pikirkan adalah hasil dari kondisi sosial.
Saya ingin. Dan cukup.
Jadilah quadrat. Selalu.
Descobri o sapateiro
Eu estava há um bom tempo esquecida das botas que não usava mais, e pra ser bem sincera eu nem lembrava o porque não as usava mais - não me venha pensar em coisas tipo "Não usa porque está fora de moda" porque não é. Moda é o que eu vivo, o que eu faço, o que eu quero e o que eu sinto - Mas isso já é outro assunto.
Voltando às botas:
Acabei revendo as botas e aí vi: elas estavam sem os taquinhos, por isso não as usava mais. Outros pensamentos me atingiram na hora: De que eu gostava daquelas botas, de todas elas. Vivi momentos bons com elas! Lembro-me de cada loja e de cada preço que cada uma me custou. Decidi usa-las novamente. Mas por onde começar? Nada contra a quem use botas sem taquinhos - Já vi muita gente fazendo isso - Mas usar com taquinhos deixaria minha bota com maior durabilidade e conforto - E essa opção me agradava mais.
No dia seguinte, me deparei com uma pequena sala próximo do meu trabalho com uma placa escrita "CONSERTO SAPATOS". Ali havia encontrado a solução pro que eu queria. Gostei.
... E foi tudo muito simples: No dia seguinte levei as botas, ele diagnosticou o problema, deu seu preço pelo conserto, o paguei e não pedi o troco de volta e no fim do dia fui busca-las e elas estavam ótimas.
Hoje estou usando uma das botas consertadas. E isso me deixa muito satisfeita.
Eu poderia muito bem comprar novos pares pra compensar as "perdidas" mas preferi te-las novamente, afinal eu gosto delas. Caso eu encha o saco ou simplesmente, enjoe das botas é simples: jogo no lixo, dou pra alguém ou faço delas uma obra de arte. Sei lá.
O que eu sei é que eu reinventei uma maneira de usar minhas botas de novo: Levei num sapateiro.
E sapateiros são legais. Ele te dá de volta o sapato que você estragou por ter andado em lugares inapropriados. E ele não te julga por isso - pelo contrário, ele APÓIA o seu caminhar por onde você quer passar, e tem uma preferencia pelos lugares onde seu sapato estraga - afinal esse é o ganha pão dele.
E um símbolo quadrado [ ] a todos os sapateiros do mundo.
Voltando às botas:
No dia seguinte, me deparei com uma pequena sala próximo do meu trabalho com uma placa escrita "CONSERTO SAPATOS". Ali havia encontrado a solução pro que eu queria. Gostei.
... E foi tudo muito simples: No dia seguinte levei as botas, ele diagnosticou o problema, deu seu preço pelo conserto, o paguei e não pedi o troco de volta e no fim do dia fui busca-las e elas estavam ótimas.
Hoje estou usando uma das botas consertadas. E isso me deixa muito satisfeita.
Eu poderia muito bem comprar novos pares pra compensar as "perdidas" mas preferi te-las novamente, afinal eu gosto delas. Caso eu encha o saco ou simplesmente, enjoe das botas é simples: jogo no lixo, dou pra alguém ou faço delas uma obra de arte. Sei lá.
O que eu sei é que eu reinventei uma maneira de usar minhas botas de novo: Levei num sapateiro.
E sapateiros são legais. Ele te dá de volta o sapato que você estragou por ter andado em lugares inapropriados. E ele não te julga por isso - pelo contrário, ele APÓIA o seu caminhar por onde você quer passar, e tem uma preferencia pelos lugares onde seu sapato estraga - afinal esse é o ganha pão dele.
E um símbolo quadrado [ ] a todos os sapateiros do mundo.
Hoje = frio.
E sim, eu estou sem cachecol.
Não quero usar hoje - fiz a barba, me irrita.
Não sou fresco.
Sou quadrado.
Amanhã, só para provar mais uma vez aos redondos o que chamo de "inconstância quadrada", quero sair com no mínimo três. Ao mesmo tempo.
- Nossa, tudo isso é frio? (questionamento com base em padrões sociais, e redondo por definição)
- Apenas quero usar. Do meu jeito. E basta. (Quadrado. Life Style)
Be quadrado. Always.
Quadrado consumer behaviour
Square (quadrado) Marketing
The market is moving toward a different future of this we living. To understand, in an assumption where the second decade of century there will be two kinds of people about certain habits: the square and round, trying to describe the world of squares, and how he wants the market is to anticipate these changes.
The square term to describe a person has changed, does not refer to that person closed and restricted view and typical of the past. Today, all squares are those who, by connecting their points (and thus square) use the best practices of each practice, every tribe and every lifestyle, for you. Each one is different because the list of highest priority is individualistic. The squares do not understand and do not like questions converge to their actions predictable patterns of the Company. No judgments, no ratings. Its boundaries are two: the Legal and personnel.
The easiest is to try an example: Imagine yourself in a situation where you want walking backward through the mall, for any reason for you that time, enough. First you need to have the decision in these cases, image staff can be strongly influenced by what others think, not necessarily their wants and needs. The portion that the collective sense it occupies in the great and decisive decisions. The squares are those that reduce the most of these interferences on the results of their actions (not to mention that cancel them) and experience the most of their living wills only. Returning to example, you are walking backwards as well, and someone laughs at you (disapproval).Reasons? Because it is difficult to understand the different and pre-judging is easy. Can to be the justification that prefer buying habits that are ready and repetitive (what validates), as a circle round is always constant and predictable and safe. Being square is all the opposite, and is wanting to be. It is the inconsistency within the limits of the court. It is off to wonder what the round.
A new face of the consuming public needs to be described. A new face, square look reckless for anyone thinking of developing products or releases and market moves.
The marketing will be square when you reach the goals of market inconstant. Within a hypothetical exercise, marketing is one square who cares about the greatest actor of the market = consumers, in its sole discretion wider and with so many intolerances tied to their will. Recognized these intolerances, and by no means diminished.
Squares are those consumers who are aware of the role within the Market Process, recognize as the protagonists. The consumer Square feels good to use a product or service because they know that their choices (in their minds more exempt) will be the fact or the engine of business. And that is why they are demanding more than that, consumers want always be heard. A good consumer does not fail to square its official complaints, whatever they are. Squares do not understand a service where your customer surveys are questioned. He wants to be heard without indifference, and always. The answer? If it is not expected, do not tell him. He wants to be right. A good service, marketing strategies in square is one that can predict this.
Another example would be the services of tele banking service. Hardly the average approval of this service is significantly greater in comparison with other services. But even so consumers abandon their banks immediate "call credit card is always the case." They connect, discuss and fight, but still buying services. And how will that is the image of square bench against consumers? At any time it can be decisive in the decision-making. The conformity and accommodation that are practical and predictable habits, and with which the banks already have in their strategies do not do as part of the square style of life. At some point it will a difference. Squares thwarted have long memories and do not hesitate make decisions that they want their wishes, even though they say against what the "Majority" or "average".
The market (especially those who design portfolios) need to understand that sealed packages and casts are no longer part of the game consumers square. If, as the predictability and repetition are no longer part of the scenario, a customizable product does not make sense. Colors, sizes, types, flavors, textures, in short - everything must be to consumer tastes. And their choices respected and not questioned. What you still can not be possible. The resources are important tools of innovation in these new business. Today, we have many successful cases in this area, and examples of players that are in decay.
Those values of the late nineteenth century, the focus of the client or the client already square were evidence of marketing, now more than that, the thing is = your customer focus, their desires, their movements, their desires, their complaints, their wishes, their understanding, their size, their limitations. Thus, intangible attributes become more visible and easy to apply. Even in the unpredictable habits of consumers, to characterize products such as responsive to them is not difficult - they do not follow standards use.
It is important to reach all the expectations of consumers and to relate with them, where they stand all the tools of web 2.0 and web 3.0 that are emerging and being employed.
The marketing department of a company within the framework strategy does not exist. A room with people and computers, and a plate of Marketing? The that there are people facing the market and consumers. A square company has its reason in marketing. The relationship marketing customization and marketing mainly. The more operational activities need to be market-oriented. If marketing is a great philosophical field of art and business, these thoughts should be on any chain and arms of the Organization that is concerned with the market square. Not longer just the head. Services such as "aftermarket" ceases to be a loyalty strategy, or differential and becomes public for this pre-requisite at all levels business, not just the well-durable and expensive. Not imagine a square be the reason of existence of the company, have opted for it at the market, after all is your consumer, and not having an open channel of communication, or not being able to impressions (positive or not), spending his "briefings" in product developments. How a square can talk to your friends Chinese in real time, say on the social and political movements by internet and can not ask a service that uses every day, and is still its geographical neighbor?
The objective facts about people square and round fruits are hypothetical and modeling based on personal observations and experiences, free from statistical evidence of behaviors. The ideas, you decide.

The market is moving toward a different future of this we living. To understand, in an assumption where the second decade of century there will be two kinds of people about certain habits: the square and round, trying to describe the world of squares, and how he wants the market is to anticipate these changes.
The square term to describe a person has changed, does not refer to that person closed and restricted view and typical of the past. Today, all squares are those who, by connecting their points (and thus square) use the best practices of each practice, every tribe and every lifestyle, for you. Each one is different because the list of highest priority is individualistic. The squares do not understand and do not like questions converge to their actions predictable patterns of the Company. No judgments, no ratings. Its boundaries are two: the Legal and personnel.
The easiest is to try an example: Imagine yourself in a situation where you want walking backward through the mall, for any reason for you that time, enough. First you need to have the decision in these cases, image staff can be strongly influenced by what others think, not necessarily their wants and needs. The portion that the collective sense it occupies in the great and decisive decisions. The squares are those that reduce the most of these interferences on the results of their actions (not to mention that cancel them) and experience the most of their living wills only. Returning to example, you are walking backwards as well, and someone laughs at you (disapproval).Reasons? Because it is difficult to understand the different and pre-judging is easy. Can to be the justification that prefer buying habits that are ready and repetitive (what validates), as a circle round is always constant and predictable and safe. Being square is all the opposite, and is wanting to be. It is the inconsistency within the limits of the court. It is off to wonder what the round.
A new face of the consuming public needs to be described. A new face, square look reckless for anyone thinking of developing products or releases and market moves.
The marketing will be square when you reach the goals of market inconstant. Within a hypothetical exercise, marketing is one square who cares about the greatest actor of the market = consumers, in its sole discretion wider and with so many intolerances tied to their will. Recognized these intolerances, and by no means diminished.
Squares are those consumers who are aware of the role within the Market Process, recognize as the protagonists. The consumer Square feels good to use a product or service because they know that their choices (in their minds more exempt) will be the fact or the engine of business. And that is why they are demanding more than that, consumers want always be heard. A good consumer does not fail to square its official complaints, whatever they are. Squares do not understand a service where your customer surveys are questioned. He wants to be heard without indifference, and always. The answer? If it is not expected, do not tell him. He wants to be right. A good service, marketing strategies in square is one that can predict this.
Another example would be the services of tele banking service. Hardly the average approval of this service is significantly greater in comparison with other services. But even so consumers abandon their banks immediate "call credit card is always the case." They connect, discuss and fight, but still buying services. And how will that is the image of square bench against consumers? At any time it can be decisive in the decision-making. The conformity and accommodation that are practical and predictable habits, and with which the banks already have in their strategies do not do as part of the square style of life. At some point it will a difference. Squares thwarted have long memories and do not hesitate make decisions that they want their wishes, even though they say against what the "Majority" or "average".
The market (especially those who design portfolios) need to understand that sealed packages and casts are no longer part of the game consumers square. If, as the predictability and repetition are no longer part of the scenario, a customizable product does not make sense. Colors, sizes, types, flavors, textures, in short - everything must be to consumer tastes. And their choices respected and not questioned. What you still can not be possible. The resources are important tools of innovation in these new business. Today, we have many successful cases in this area, and examples of players that are in decay.
Those values of the late nineteenth century, the focus of the client or the client already square were evidence of marketing, now more than that, the thing is = your customer focus, their desires, their movements, their desires, their complaints, their wishes, their understanding, their size, their limitations. Thus, intangible attributes become more visible and easy to apply. Even in the unpredictable habits of consumers, to characterize products such as responsive to them is not difficult - they do not follow standards use.
It is important to reach all the expectations of consumers and to relate with them, where they stand all the tools of web 2.0 and web 3.0 that are emerging and being employed.
The marketing department of a company within the framework strategy does not exist. A room with people and computers, and a plate of Marketing? The that there are people facing the market and consumers. A square company has its reason in marketing. The relationship marketing customization and marketing mainly. The more operational activities need to be market-oriented. If marketing is a great philosophical field of art and business, these thoughts should be on any chain and arms of the Organization that is concerned with the market square. Not longer just the head. Services such as "aftermarket" ceases to be a loyalty strategy, or differential and becomes public for this pre-requisite at all levels business, not just the well-durable and expensive. Not imagine a square be the reason of existence of the company, have opted for it at the market, after all is your consumer, and not having an open channel of communication, or not being able to impressions (positive or not), spending his "briefings" in product developments. How a square can talk to your friends Chinese in real time, say on the social and political movements by internet and can not ask a service that uses every day, and is still its geographical neighbor?
The objective facts about people square and round fruits are hypothetical and modeling based on personal observations and experiences, free from statistical evidence of behaviors. The ideas, you decide.
Temos quadrados lá.
Acompanhamos pelos visitantes.
É o quadrado life style fazendo sentido.
O seu sentido.
Lugar lindo pra ser quadrado.
Be quadrado. Always!
Acompanhamos pelos visitantes.
É o quadrado life style fazendo sentido.
O seu sentido.
Lugar lindo pra ser quadrado.
Be quadrado. Always!
Lista negativa - n°1
(redondo): Nossa, mas esse filme já passou umas dez vezes na TV (morrendo de vontade de ver de novo, ou de dizer que gostou, que curtiu).
A sociedade não curte a felicidade.
A obrigação do coletivo força as pessoas a serem depreciativas.
A sociedade tolera a tristeza, não sei - ser feliz está fora de moda, e redondos seguem os padrões...
(redondo): "risadinha"
(quadrado): eu sabia que estava gostando - e pq nao fala, porra!
(quadrado): Já passou dez vezes, eu sei. Isso não muda nada - vou assistir quantas vezes eu quiser.
Riquinho assisti 80 vezes, por baixo - hoje não posso ver.
Quadrados são assim: dane-se o que você pensa, e ainda se o q vc pensa é fruto das condições sociais.
Eu quero. E basta.
Be Quadrado. Always.
PC Siqueira
Я смотрел видео с ПК Смит.
Это звучит смешно, но я понял две вещи:
- фарс
- Маркетинг
В воспоминание сегодняшнем исключены через поп-культуру и
социальных, он не произвести на меня впечатление, и их выступления.
И ложное представление, что казалось бы, незначительные вопросы
обсуждается в импровизации.
Это все часть большой ознакомительных поездок и в умах некоторых, к
намекают и ускользать от массы.
Я продолжаю наблюдать, да.
Я даже так. Пока по крайней мере.
Я вижу это так - ложные ханжа, или речь рынке.
Но я хотел бы критиковать картину и побудить каждого скачать их
не квадратные.
Я смотрю вы - не знаю.
Hug для PC - его хороший тактик.
С уважением ко всем, и удачи, чтобы увидеть за его пределами.
Будьте площади.
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